Shipboard Shock Isolation and Vibration Control

Our extensive product lines provide military customers with unique solutions for shipboard shock and vibration isolation applications. With our extensive engineering knowledge and experience in solving critical problems related to shock and vibration for shipboard applications we are able to provide superior analysis, products, services and support. Our teaming and partnership approach to customer’s needs sets us apart from the competition.

Our Engineering Capabilities

With nearly 60 years of experience, Enidine is an industry trusted source for the design and manufacture of diversified shock and vibration isolation products in military applications. Several of these critical shock isolation products meet the Mil Std 901, Mil Std 167, and Mil Std 810g standards. 

Enidine uses Nastran and Visual Nastran Motion software with for dynamic non-linear, 6-DOF system analyses in conjunction with FEA analyses on complex 3D parts, assemblies and systems. 

In addition, we have developed proprietary closed form analytical programs to predict the non-linear performance of our products. Enidine developed system equations in MatLab and Mathcad to simulate non-linear performance and predictive analysis.

Shipboard Shock Products and Applications

Shock Isolation, mil s 901e, mil std 901, mil-s-901e, mil-dtl-901e, navy shock testing, blast protection, blast mitigation, navy shock testing

  • Electronics Isolation
    • Wire Ropes
    • Elastomers
    • Hydraulic Shock Absorbers

  • Weapon Energy Absorption
    • Recoil Management
    • Shock Absorption
    • Stabilization Skids
    • Mechanical Isolators
US Destroyer


High Energy Rope Mounts


HERM isolators incorporate a traditional wire rope isolator encased in a proprietary elastomer for enhanced damping and stiffness.


Skid Isolator

Skid Isolator

Enidine Skid Isolators obtain proper stiffness, damping and deflection required to achieve shock mitigating performance.


Wire Rope Isolators

Wire Rope Isolators

Standard Wire Rope Isolators provide effective shock and vibration isolation through coulomb damping.


Hydraulic and Elastomeric Isolator

Hydraulic and Elastomeric Isolator

Hydraulic shock absorber combined with molded shimmed elastomer to provide shipboard shock protection in vertical and lateral directions.



Mechanical Shock Isolators


DAMSI is a patented non-hydraulic mechanical friction spring element design used to absorb energy during a shipboard shock event.



(Shock Isolator, Double Acting Spring)

SIDAS (Shock Isolator, Double Acting Spring)

SIDAS combines a preloaded mechanical spring with a low-pressure hydraulic damper to to protect sensitive electronic equipment.


Vibration Isolation, mil s 901e, mil std 901, mil-s-901e, mil-dtl-901e, navy shock testing, blast protection, blast mitigation, navy shock testing

HERMSā€ˆ(High Energy Rope Mounts) navy shock testing

HERM isolators incorporate a traditional wire rope isolator encased in a proprietary elastomer for enhanced damping and stiffness. It combines friction (Coulomb) damping with elastomeric viscoelastic properties for enhanced performance over standard wire ropes.


Initially developed for Navy cabinet isolation and rafted deck systems, the HERM is effective for multi-axis shock and vibration isolation for electronics, weapon systems, vertical launch systems, and PHST missile transport applications. 

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blast protection

Elastomeric Skid Isolators energy absorption, mil s 901e, mil std 901, mil-s-901e, mil-dtl-901e, navy shock testing, blast protection, blast mitigation, navy shock testing

Enidine Skid Isolators obtain proper stiffness, damping and deflection required to achieve shock mitigating and stabilization performance. The inclined element properly manages elastomer strain levels for the high deflections required for shock mitigation while maintaining stability in the off-axis directions. Enidine has developed proprietary compounds to meet the 
performance and environmental specifications 
for shock applications. 


  • Enidine Skid Isolators use a series of common elastomeric elements fully vulcanize bonded to a top rail and bottom channel, Skid Isolator assemblies can be assembled together to interface plates and bottoms. 
  • Designed to meet the requirements of:
    • MIL-S-901E light, medium and heavyweight shipboard shock inputs
    • MIL-STD-167 vibration
    • MIL-STD-810G environmental testing

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Vibration Isolation, mil s 901e, mil std 901, mil-s-901e, mil-dtl-901e, navy shock testing, blast protection, blast mitigation, navy shock testing

Wire Rope Isolators

Vibration Isolation, mil s 901e, mil std 901, mil-s-901e, mil-dtl-901e, navy shock testing, blast protection, blast mitigation, navy shock testing

Standard Wire Rope Isolators use stainless steel cables threaded through aluminum alloy bars providing effective shock and vibration isolation through coulomb damping.  Enidine's all-metal construction ensures high-performance isolation resistant to temperature extremes, chemicals, oils, and abrasives.


Multi-axis shock and vibration isolation of electronics, weapon systems, vertical launch systems.

  • Designed to meet the requirements of:
    • MIL-S-901E light, medium and heavyweight shipboard shock inputs
    • MIL-STD-167 vibration
    •  MIL-STD-810G environmental testing

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Shipboard Shock Isolation, mil s 901e, mil std 901, mil-s-901e, mil-dtl-901e, navy shock testing, blast protection, blast mitigation, navy shock testing

Hydraulic and Elastomeric Isolator Hydraulic and Elastomeric Isolator

Hydraulic shock absorber combined with molded shimmed elastomer to provide shock protection in vertical and lateral directions.


  • Enidine provides the hydraulic shock absorbers for the Phalanx CIWS (close-in weapon system) as well as the SeaRAM anti-ship missile defense system
  • Provide critical protection of the radar-guided gatling guns, as well as missile and laser protection systems
  • The input shock pulses cause the unit to stroke, absorbing energy and limiting acceleration into the system
  • Enidine designed, tested, manufactured and qualified in-house

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SIDAS (Shock Isolator, Double Acting Spring)Shipboard Shock Isolation, mil s 901e, mil std 901, mil-s-901e, mil-dtl-901e, navy shock testing, blast protection, blast mitigation, navy shock testing

SIDAS (Shock Isolator Double Acting Spring) combines a preloaded mechanical spring with a low-pressure hydraulic damper to provide both static preload and dynamic damping forces to protect sensitive electronic equipment.  Damping coefficients less than 1 can be achieved to provide optimal damping functions.  


  • Designed and tested to pass MIL-S-901E  shock requirements for sensitive electronic equipment. Currently used on Aegis Weapons Consoles. 

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Shipboard Shock Isolation, mil s 901e, mil std 901, mil-s-901e, mil-dtl-901e, navy shock testing, blast protection, blast mitigation, navy shock testing

Mechanical Shock Isolators mil s 901e, mil std 901, mil-s-901e, mil-dtl-901e, navy shock testing, blast protection, blast mitigation, navy shock testing

DAMSI (Double Acting Mechanical Shock Isolator) is a patented non-hydraulic mechanical friction spring element design used to absorb energy during a shock event. Unlike hydraulic shock absorbers, DAMSI utilizes pre-compressed lubricated friction spring elements, offering superior performance, system preload, and 30 year lifespan.


Approved by the Navy for shock protection of MK14 Vertical Launch System. Provides static preload and MIL-STD-901D shipboard shock isolation, replacing previously used high pressure liquid springs on the Tactical Tomahawk missile launch system.

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